tenets of language testing, teacher’s experience reports, formative assessment, summative assessment, norm-referenced tests.Abstract
This paper discusses some fundamental tenets and aspects that can make the testing in language courses more profitable and representative of the abilities related to this field of study. Starting from the observation that the evaluation frame needs to fit in the features of the object of study it is inserted in and the consideration of some experiences reports from teachers about this subject, this study advocates the practise formative assessment ”“ leaving summative assessments to evaluative events where there is no perception of the teaching process, like proficiency exams, for instance ”“ and a reflection over other factors that undermine the success in the implementation of an evaluation that promotes learning. Thus, some indispensable test features for evaluating communicative competence are considered so that they can be more useful and freed from a homogeneous proficiency ideal, that is, based on tasks and abilities that have really been employed or developed along the teaching process, as norm-referenced tests do.
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