The ethics of sabotage by the Animal Liberation Front


  • Erick Assumpção Instituto Fernando Figueira
  • Fermin Schramm Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública



Animal Ethics. Animal Liberation Front. Sabotage. Violence.


This essay grounds itself on the protectiveness of Ethics to analyze the actions of sabotage by the Animal Liberation Front (ALF), which involve the destruction of property and the release of non-human animals from situations of vulnerability. The considerations of Engelhardt and Diamond help contextualize this in a paradoxically pluralistic and unambiguous moral world. Singer, Regan, Derrida, and Smuts promote a requirement of moral recognition of sentient and susceptible beings that are capable of participation in relationships within and between species. This recognition is essential to the establishment of an Ethics of Sabotage as a legitimate practical ethic of prevention and liberation from situations of vulnerability, and also of confrontation with agents of exploitation. Engelhardt’s analysis of the relationship/conflict between moral strangers, personified here by ALF and the property owners/agents of exploitation, as well as the distinction made by Schramm between violence as a form of aggression and violence as a form of resistance, are primordial for the conclusion that these actions are prima facie morally legitimate.


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Author Biographies

Erick Assumpção, Instituto Fernando Figueira

Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.

Fermin Schramm, Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública

Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.


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How to Cite

Assumpção, E., & Schramm, F. (2008). The ethics of sabotage by the Animal Liberation Front. Revista Brasileira De Bioética, 4(3-4), 198–221.



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