Experience systematization: Implementation of an agroforestry system carried out by women in the central north of Paraná
Agroecology, Environmental connection, Environmental education, Pro-environmental behaviorAbstract
Due to the current socio-environmental crisis, a human/nature rapprochement is urgent, resulting in pro-environmental behaviors. The aim of this research is to understand how experiences in natural environments and the implementation of an experimental agroforestry system can contribute to the rapprochement with the nature and daily transformation of four city women. To achieve this objective, the methodology of systematization of experiences in five times was used. The experiments took place between January and May 2022 and included the following activities: online theoretical meetings, visit to Pachamama farm, seed collection at the State University of Londrina and four activities to implement an experimental agroforestry system, in Chácara 09-A, in the Condominium of Chácaras Itaúna. Finally, it was possible to understand that this type of experience has a beneficial and transformative effect on the lives of those who participate, reflecting on pro-environmental behaviors.
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