Agroecology as a Horizon of Combat against the Suicide Epidemic among Farmers
Suicide, Agroecology, Rooting, TerritorializationAbstract
According to the Brazilian Ministry of Health, Rio Grande do Sul has one of the highest suicide rates in the country, especially among farmers. However, the suicide epidemic among the rural population is not exclusive to this state, and has been observed since the 18th century. Factors such as precarious working conditions, overexploitation, indebtedness and land concentration are important stressors for this population's continuous psychic suffering. As a way of combating this stigma, this work realizes a bibliographical research focused on the complex concept of Agroecology as science-movement-practice to assure rooting and territorialization, in order to offer a guide of possible paradigmatic and epistemological ruptures which are capable of strengthening these abandoned individuals and enabling the construction of a projective horizon for their reconnection with work and land.
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