Physical and microbiological attributes of a ferralsol under native cerrado and soybean monoculture


  • Fabricio Tomaz Ramos Universidade Federal do Estado de Mato Grosso-UFMT
  • Maria Cândida Moitinho Nunes Universidade do Estado de Mato Grosso-UNEMAT, Campus Jane Vanini
  • Daniela Tiago da Silva Campos Universidade Federal do Estado de Mato Grosso-UFMT
  • Denis Tomás Ramos Universidade do Estado de Mato Grosso-UNEMAT, Campus Jane Vanini
  • João Carlos de Souza Maia Universidade Federal do Estado de Mato Grosso-UFMT


Soil quality indicators, Qualigrama, Management and soil conservation, Physics and soil microbiology, Caceres - MT


The use of soil conservation has been established on the subject of increasing discussion because of the removal of biomes and their subsequent use in agriculture. Hypothetically, it is believed that the agronomic quality assessment of soil eitherthrough indicators combined rather than separate interpretations, it is more appropriate to characterize the anthropogenic effect on agricultural systems. As a result, the objective was to diagnose abnormalities in a Ferralsol under soybean monoculture and native vegetation based on the physical and microbiological sampling in a completely randomized in the 0 to 10 cm. It was possible to identify physical and microbiological degradation anthropized environment with significant mean reductions in indicators of 47.87%,15.76%, 24.74%, 39.90% and 15.36% for gravimetric moisture, porosity, microbial carbon, basal respiration and microbial quotient, and increases in soil density, soil resistance to penetration and microporosity, metabolic quotient of 19.47%, 128.71%, 163.44% and56.55% respectively. Combining these results isolated by the method of Qualigrama obtained a quantitative index of the quality of both soils in the soybean monoculture equal to 0.26, that qualitatively matches the state of "critical level" compared to the native environment.


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