Discurso autobiográfico e identidad sociocultural
Autobiographical speech. Self-representation. Narration. Sociocultural identity.Abstract
The type of discourse, the discourse operation and the textual pattern are fundamental for the subjects to adopt strategies that fit the discourse practice in which they are involved. In this article are analyzed 15 autobiographical discourses, referents and expression of the various dimensions of the identity phenomenon; these narratives by hat weavers from a Mayan town in Campeche, Mexico, are inscribed in narration as the basic discourse process, and in the oral textual production pattern. Narration and orality characterize the intertextual network of this type of discourse. Symbols, common places, spaces, specific moments, self representations (values and stereotypes), the implicit and rhetorical figures account for the potentialities, needs and expectations of the subjects that interplay in a determined socio-cultural environment. This is the theoretical and methodological framework that inspires this paper whose aim is to analyze autobiographical discourse in order to describe and explain the mechanisms that lead to the construction and confirmation of sociocultural identity.
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