Las modulaciones del poder. Cercanía y poder en la consulta de medicina familiar y comunitaria
doctor – patient interaction, power, closeness, negotiationAbstract
The different medico-ideological contexts present different possibilities of negotiation spaces according to the degree of admission of the patient's initiative and the acceptance of the script by the latter. The dimensions of closeness and power, present in all consultations, gravitate differently in the construction of the doctor-patient interaction, prioritizing closeness and power. Studying the operation of these dimensions in Family Medicine medical consultations, located in the biopsychosocial paradigm and focused on the subjective and contextual aspects of people, will be able to show the management of divergences and how, thanks to this, an attempt is made to balance the practice of power for social responsibility, something that not only limits the power of the doctor, but also allows the empowerment of the patient.
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