Escenificación y multidestinación en el discurso presidencial de Juan Manuel Santos


presidential discourse. political genre. scenic setting. multi-destination. new public management.


The aim of this paper is to reconstruct how Juan Manuel Santos, in his presidential discourse, represents his own enunciative situation. We analyzed 42 speeches delivered during the first year in office (2010-2011), when he enrolled in weekly events called “Agreements for Prosperity”, in which he had direct contact with communities in the country. The transcribed speeches were accessed from the presidential web page. Our findings suggest that the enunciative roles are linked to the ethical responsibilities of participants; also, we examine the role of defining reality in the political discourse, and we describe the enunciative scenery of the presidential speech, associated with the format of executive report, as part of the accountability in the “new public management”. We conclude with a discussion about management approach in political discourse, within the framework of public participation and political enunciation, emphasizing the non-polemic features in these forms of exercising governance in Colombia.


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How to Cite

Escenificación y multidestinación en el discurso presidencial de Juan Manuel Santos. (2020). Revista Latinoamericana De Estudios Del Discurso, 12(2), 53–80. Retrieved from



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