The discursive construction of mother identity in mothers of the middle socioeconomic group in Santiago, Chile


  • Consuelo Gajardo


Mother identity. Maternity. Appraisal framework. Critical Discourse Studies.


This article analyzes the way in which a group of Chilean women of the middle socioeconomic dynamically construct their identities as mothers. The data collected through in-depth interviews were analyzed bringing together insights of Critical Discourse Studies and the Appraisal Framework. According to the patterns of co-occurrence of evaluative meanings, we found three particular identity voices: the voice of the reflexive and in-construction mother, the voice of the mother / woman in tension and the voice of the optimistic mother. The reflexive process through which these mothers constantly question their roles, lead them to a tension in their identities of mothers and working women, rendering maternity and professional development as incongruent spaces. Even though the evaluative resources show the internalization of a dichotomous perception of their mother and working woman identities, they also challenge the divergent demands Chilean society impose on women. Tus they decide to simplify their work practices to be able to enjoy of their main priority, that is, being with their children.


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Author Biography

Consuelo Gajardo

Doctora en Lingüística de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile y es profesora asistente en la misma universidad. Sus líneas de investigación son los Estudios del Discurso, Estudios Críticos del Discurso, el Modelo de la Valoración y la Lingüística Educacional.


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How to Cite

Gajardo, C. . (2020). The discursive construction of mother identity in mothers of the middle socioeconomic group in Santiago, Chile. Revista Latinoamericana De Estudios Del Discurso, 18(1), 117–137. Retrieved from



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