Analysis of the quantifier “todo” as a resource of GRADUATION of appraisals in a spoken Spanish corpus conformed by a group of mothers from Santiago, Chile
Graduation. System of Appraisal. Quantifier todo. Mother identityAbstract
This article describes the use of the quantifier todo as a graduation resource (Martin y White 2005; Hood 2010, 2019) in a spoken Spanish corpus, comprised of the life stories of a group of mothers from Santiago, Chile. The results show that the quantifier todo realizes meanings that are congruent with its quantifying function, and additionally, it exhibits less congruent realizations, such as an intensifying function, and also that of graduating a semantic category in terms of prototipicity and completion. The analysis demonstrates that these realizations of the quantifier todo as a graduation resource have a significant role in the invocation of appraisals involved in the construction of particular mother identities.
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