90 years of solitude

the absence of Latin American sensibilities in the debate on architectural autonomy





Cultural solitude, Urban solitude, Latin American solitude, Culturally blind architectural criticism, Architectural autonomy, Urban autonomy


This paper shifts its attention from “South-South” relations to the absence of “South-South” relations in a culturally blind chapter of architectural criticism. It focuses on the postwar debate on architectural autonomy whose disciplinary reduction, especially in the United States, prevented an urban interpretation of a culturally sensitive autonomy. The paper argues that the dogmatic architectural criticism of the twentieth century and the post-critical discourse of the twenty-first century have failed to recognize that critical sensibilities other than Eurocentric and North American approaches exist in other regions such as Latin America. The paper is structured in four phases: a brief history of architectural autonomy; its disciplinary reduction; its overlooked cultural dimension; and its urban potential. The goal is to highlight the cultural blindness of critical and post-critical architectural discourses through a theory sensitive to cultural and urban solitudes based on a revision of the interdisciplinary interpretations of the term autonomy.


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Author Biography

Miguel Lopez Melendez, Harvard University; Graduate School of Design; Department of Architecture.

Miguel’s research combines architecture, art, aesthetics, landscape architecture, philosophy, and urbanism. His research and teaching activities at Harvard University Graduate School of Design (GSD) comprised architecture and urban projects in Latin America, the Caribbean, and the United States, as well as courses on history and theory of architecture and landscape architecture. He has participated in international conferences in Latin America, North America, Europe, and Asia, while his work has been exhibited internationally in the United States and China. Miguel holds a Doctor of Design degree and a Master of Architecture in Urban Design from Harvard University GSD, a certificate in Design of Sustainable Communities from Universidad Iberoamericana (Mexico), and a Bachelor of Architecture from Tecnológico de Monterrey (ITESM, Mexico) and Universidad CEU San Pablo (Madrid, Spain).


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How to Cite

Lopez Melendez, M. (2024). 90 years of solitude: the absence of Latin American sensibilities in the debate on architectural autonomy. Paranoá, 17, e47929. https://doi.org/10.18830/1679-09442024v17e47929



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