Analysis of vegetated areas and of the surface temperature of Jundiaí – SP




urban climate, urban vegetation, land use, remote sensing, master plan


Given the trends of urban population growth in Brazil and in the world, of the acceleration of urbanization processes, and of the climate reality, it is necessary to debate on how to reverse or to mitigate the negative impacts emerged from urban development, which are aggravated by the inadequate planning. Vegetation supression can be decisive in generating an urban overheating and may lead to problems that threaten the population’s well-being. This work aims to understand the relationship between the existance of vegetated areas and the surface temperature of Jundiaí-SP. Remote sensing tools were used to produce maps of the city’s land use and occupation and of the city’s surface temperature. The average surface temperature of areas with dense vegetation was found to be 4.56°C lower than the average surface temperature of urbanized areas in the summer of 2020. The locations with the highest temperatures of the city are correlated with the presence of industrial or commercial warehouses. Vegetated areas adjacent to these locations had temperatures up to 18°C lower in summer. The importance of elaborating and regulating tools which promotes more intensely the arborization of urban areas at a municipal level stands out.


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Author Biographies

Corine Armagne Rosenberger, University of Brasilia

Has a degree in Architecture and Urbanism from the Federal University of Paraná (2019), a specialization in Urban Planning and Environmental Management of Cities from the Castelo Branco University (2020) and a specialization in Architectural and Urban Sustainable Environmental Rehabilitation from the University of Brasília (2021). Works as a tutor of a postgraduation course at Unyleya College, in the Accessibility and Urban Mobility subject. Is interested in researches related to sustainable urbanism, urban climate and urban resilience.

Daniela Rocha Werneck, University of Brasilia

Has a degree in Architecture and Urbanism from the Federal University of Viçosa (2007) and a master's degree from the University of Brasília. She is currently a doctoral student at the Postgraduation Program of the University of Brasilia’s Architecture and Urbanism Department, in the research line of sustainability, quality and efficiency of the built environment. She worked as a substitute professor at the University of Brasília’s Architecture and Urbanism graduation course (2021), in the subjects of High-rise Building Design and Landscape Design 2. Develops research in the area of urban climate and bioclimatic architecture with an emphasis on urban form and vegetation. Researcher linked to the Laboratory of Sustainability Applied to Architecture and Urbanism at FAU-UnB (LASUS).

Caio Molena, Padre Anchieta University Center

Has a degree in Electronic Engineering (2015) and a degree in Environmental and Sanitary Engineering (2021) from the Centro Universitário Padre Anchieta. Has experience as an environmental analyst in the chemical industry, working in the areas of management of environmental licenses, environmental management systems (EMS), environmental legislation and occupational health and safety. He also works as a geoprocessing analyst at the Olhos da Serra Project in Jundiaí - SP, assisting in the formulation of reports and researches related to the analysis of geospatial data, with a focus on forest conservation. He is currently an alternate counselor of the Municipal Council for the Defense of the Environment (COMDEMA) of Jundiaí by Centro de Orientação Ambiental Terra Integrada (COATI).


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How to Cite

Armagne Rosenberger, C., Rocha Werneck, D., & Molena, C. (2023). Analysis of vegetated areas and of the surface temperature of Jundiaí – SP. Paranoá, 16(36), 1–21.



Environmental Rehabilitation in Sustainable Architecture and Urbanism

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