Sustainability and thermal performance in social housing

ISMAS tool application in Vitória-ES for vertical sealings


  • Jéssica de Mello Machado Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
  • Bruna Perovano Sirtuli Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (UFES)
  • Edna Aparecida Nico Rodrigues Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (UFES)
  • Cristina Engel de Alvarez Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (UFES)



Thermal performance; Sustainability; ISMAS; Thermo energy simulation; DesignBuilder


With the increasing number of investments in social interest buildings, the concern with the thermal comfort of the users also grows, since these properties are being replicated in different regions of the country, without due concern with the climatic diversity and with the use of more suitable materials, especially when it is aimed to use passive systems to create comfortable environments. Thus, the objective was to compare the level of sustainability and thermal performance of the materials commonly used in the vertical fences of multifamily social housing, naturally ventilated in Vitória-ES. For this purpose, computer simulations were performed with DesignBuilder software version, adopting ISMAS for the materials sustainability analysis, which consisted of an assist tool for the selection of construction materials based on the concept of sustainability. The results indicated that the use of materials with a higher sustainability rating does not always perform better results in terms of thermal performance, requiring further analysis of other parameters for the design decision.


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How to Cite

Machado, J. de M., Sirtuli, B. P., Nico Rodrigues, E. A., & de Alvarez, C. E. (2020). Sustainability and thermal performance in social housing: ISMAS tool application in Vitória-ES for vertical sealings . Paranoá, 13(27), 95–112.



Technology, Environment and Sustainability

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