Teacher Education in time of crisis: perspectives to Humanizing Education
Technological teaching, Remote teaching, Humanizing education, Crisis timeAbstract
The article aims to be based on technological teaching and teaching work with the Teams tool from Microsoft, implemented by the Paula Souza Center, to online classes. The first part, teacher training in the light of Freire (1987-1997) et al. The second, the analysis of the responses of teachers in relation to remote teaching, research carried out by a student for the course completion work. Such analysis had the authorization of the coordination and the advisor professor. The last part is related to the conclusion of the article with a proposal for humanizing education in a time of crisis at Covid-19
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Disponível: https://www.cps.sp.gov.br/sobre-o-centro-paula-souza/. Acesso em: 30 mar. 2020.
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