Semiotic-discursive practices: text and image in (re)identity construction

el texto y la imagen en la construcción de la (re)identidad




Semiotic-discursive practices




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Author Biography

Girlane Maria Ferreira Florindo, University of Brasília/ Federal Institute of Brasília

She holds a Master's degree in Literature from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro - PUC-Rio (2005), a specialization in Portuguese Language from the São Camilo University Center (2002), a specialization in Children and Youth Literature from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (2006), a specialization in Public Administration Management from the Castelo Branco University (2007), a specialization in Education in and for Human Rights with emphasis on Cultural Diversity from the University of Brasilia (2015), and a degree in Literature from the São Camilo Espírito Santo University Center (1999). He has experience in the area of Letters, with emphasis on Portuguese Language and Brazilian Literature and in the area of Special Education with emphasis on inclusive education, visual impairment and deaf-blind. She was Coordinator of Inclusive Actions at the Dean of Extension of the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Brasília-IFB (2010-2014). She teaches Portuguese Language and Literature, Technical Communication I and II and Reading and Production of Texts from the Taguatinga-IFB Campus and the Braille System Extension Course. President of the Organizing Committee of the District Forum of Professional and Inclusive Technology Education promoted annually by the Federal Institute of Brasília (2012, 2013 and 2014). Coordinator of the NAPNE Câmpus Taguatinga (2015-2017). Coordinator of Student Assistance and Social Inclusion.


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MAGALHÃES, I.; MARTINS, A. R.; RESENDE, V. M. Análise de discurso crítica: um método de pesquisa qualitativa. Brasília: Editora da Universidade de Brasília, 2017.

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How to Cite

Ferreira Florindo, G. M. (2020). Semiotic-discursive practices: text and image in (re)identity construction: el texto y la imagen en la construcción de la (re)identidad. Papers of Language and Society, 21(1), 333–336.



Dossiê Linguagens, Identidades e Sociedade