From the Technique of Memory to the Technique of Forgetting?
Nietzsche. Technique. Memory. Forgetfulness. CultureAbstract
The various memory techniques have privileged the constitution of an institutional apparatus. The Nietzschean project of overvaluing values ”‹”‹imposed itself against these dispositions of memory, therefore, it operates in an inverse movement, by promoting techniques that privilege the dissolution of memory in forgetfullness. In order to weaken the institutional moral apparatus and strengthen the project of values ”‹”‹that privilege life and its soul dispositions. However, in this Nietzschean project there is an aporia: that of remaining in the sphere of the affirmation of the technique. If, on the one hand, Nietzsche questions all technical mechanisms, namely those related to educational establishments on the other, he does not go beyond this sphere, says the technique through the mechanisms of forgetfulness, when questioning the techniques of memory. To what extent do Nietzsche's writings inspire fruitful reflection to think about technique and its application to memory?
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