Deleuze on the Importance of Kant’s discordant accord




Gilles Deleuze. Immanuel Kant. Terrence Malick. Continental Philosophy. Aesthetics.


We introduce the Deleuzian reading of the role and the power that the imagination and the schematism have in Immanuel Kant’s aesthetic judgement by focusing on the importance of thinking the discordant accord between faculties, as well as, probably, the impossibility of a philosophy of art. How does occur the process that connects sensations and concepts, art and philosophy? By answering this question, we will also highlight Kant’s peculiar position within Gilles Deleuze’s philosophy and his interpretation in La Philosophie critique de Kant, published in 1963. Our case study will be the sensorial movie To the Wonder (2012), directed by Terrence Malick.


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Author Biography

Susana Viegas, Universidade Nova de Lisboa; Deakin University

Susana Viegas é desde 2014 bolseira de pós-doutoramento da FCT no Ifilnova/Universidade Nova de Lisboa e na Universidade de Deakin. Licenciada e mestre em filosofia, doutorou-se em Filosofia, variante Estética, na Universidade Nova de Lisboa em 2013 com uma dissertação sobre a filosofia do cinema em Gilles Deleuze tendo recebido uma bolsa de doutoramento da FCT (2007-2011). Colaborou no projeto do Ifilnova "Film & Philosophy: Mapping an encounter" e é coeditora da ‘Cinema: Revista de Filosofia e da Imagem em Movimento’ ( 



How to Cite

VIEGAS, Susana. Deleuze on the Importance of Kant’s discordant accord. Journal of Modern and Contemporary Philosophy, [S. l.], v. 5, n. 2, p. 329–348, 2018. DOI: 10.26512/rfmc.v5i2.12610. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.