Sociologia da ciência: realismo, idealismo e construtivismo


  • Vicente de Paula Gomes Departamento de, Federal do Piauí - UFPI



Sociology of Science, Idealism, Realism, Charge of electron, Constructivism


The neopragmatic turn, overwhelming criticism of the foundational role of knowledge self advocated by philosophy, radical as to include the analytic philosophy, where it originated, is inexorably the current frontier of philosophical knowledge. The coup given to the philosophy and to the reason for neopragmatic movement, however, must be reported as something positive. The reactions raised in defense of philosophy organized themselves around reduced number of conceptual matrix: strong naturalism (Quine,1969), weak naturalism (Habermas,2004), objective idealism (Hosle,1987), contextualism (Rorty,1994). Contributed unquestionably to this outcome, the historical and sociological studies of postKuhnian science, inspired by its philosophy of science. Inserting tangentially in this debate, the object of reflection in this study is to oppose the point of view of the sociology of science to the realism and to the idealism. Our aim is to demonstrate that constructivism featuring your model of inquiry does not denies, as naive or maliciously understand his critics, the decisive role of nature in the construction of science. The strength of our argument will arise from the analysis realized by the exponents of the strong program in the sociology of science, Barry Barnes, David Bloor and John Henry (1996), in the book Scientific Knowledge: a sociological analysis, of a controversial case study of the history of physics: the experiments that the American physicist Robert Millikan conducted to establish the electron charge


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Author Biography

Vicente de Paula Gomes, Departamento de, Federal do Piauí - UFPI

Professor Adjunto da Universidade Federal do Piauí ”“ UFPI. Doutor em Filosofia pela UNICAMP, com tese sobre o princípio de causalidade em Sociologia da Ciência.


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How to Cite

GOMES, Vicente de Paula. Sociologia da ciência: realismo, idealismo e construtivismo. Journal of Modern and Contemporary Philosophy, [S. l.], v. 1, n. 2, p. 292–320, 2014. DOI: 10.26512/rfmc.v1i2.12273. Disponível em: Acesso em: 16 feb. 2025.


