Perspective and virtual space




Perspective, promenade architecturale, virtual reality


From Greek temples, passing through the Renaissan­ce and Palladian architecture, to the Baroque sceno­graphic space, there are several examples of conse­crated architecture that used composition resources to create optical ilusion. Such resources consider the body, in all its dimensions and spatial distances, and the way in which man will perceive the building from perspectives. Nowadays, the perspectives of the “vir­tual reality” space are better perceived through a route, which is induced. The man becomes a specta­tor of the space configured for every man of any hei­ght. Everyone will have the same perspective, since the route are the same. Finally, we observe a kind of “massification” of man, disregarding the individual physical and also emotional particularities in his au­tonomy.


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Author Biography

Carolina da Rocha Lima Borges

Carolina Borges has a degree in Architecture and Urbanism from PUC-GO, a master's degree and a doctorate in the Theory and History of Architecture and Urbanism from FAU-UnB, with an interstice at the Università degli Studi di Palermo. She is a professor on the Architecture and Urbanism course at the Catholic University of Brasília, teaching the subjects of Theory and History of Art, Architecture and Urbanism and Architectural Design.


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How to Cite

Borges, C. da R. L. (2024). Perspective and virtual space . Revista Estética E Semiótica- RES, Aesthetics and Semiotics Magazine, 13(2), 64–72.