Ethical guidelines

Em Tempo de Histórias adopts ethical parameters and good editorial practices at all stages of the editorial flow. Below are the expectations of ethical behavior for editor-in chief and the editorial council, reviewers, and authors.

All the editorial board must observe the following ethical standards:

- Reject/accept articles based solely on their importance, originality, clarity, and relevance in relation to the scope of the journal, considering the reviewers' evaluations.

- Establish a permanent dialog with the members of the entire Editorial Board and Advisory Council about editorial policies, challenges and objectives, seeking to direct efforts to improve the quality of the journal.

- Ensure that, throughout the whole editorial flow, the identities of authors and reviewers are preserved.

- Establish and publish, together with the Editorial Board and Advisory Council, guidelines and norms for submissions, informing about the various stages of the editorial flow.

- In case of suspected misconduct, whether in press submissions or in already published submissions, follow the guidelines of COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) and those stipulated by the CNPq Scientific Integrity Committee (available at: http: //, giving authors ample opportunity to respond.

Authors who wish to publish within the journal must observe the following ethical parameters:

Authors who wish to publish in the journal must observe the following ethical parameters:
- Ensure that the submitted manuscript is your authorship, respecting the intellectual property rights of third parties.

- When necessary, send permissions for the use, reproduction and publication of graphics, maps, diagrams, photographs, etc.

- Each author who signs the manuscript must have significantly contributed to its realization.

- Read in full and follow the rules of the journal when submitting manuscripts, available at:

- Perform the grammatical review of the text, before submission, and adapt it to the formatting parameters adopted by the journal.

- Ensure that the article (in full or in parts) has not been published elsewhere, and is not submitted or accepted in any other journal.

- Know and accept the rules of Creative Commons License Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0).

- Submit original articles, without plagiarism or self-plagiarism, without fraudulent data, and that are not what is called the “Smallest Publishable Part”.

- Notify the journal editor immediately if you identify significant errors in your publication. Cooperate with the editor in the publication of errata, addenda, corrections, or even the retraction of the article, when this is considered necessary.

Reviewers must observe the following ethical guidelines:

- Pay attention to any conflict of interest with regard to the research and funding agencies of the article and, if necessary, waive the indication of your name to evaluate that manuscript.

- Review the manuscript objectively and constructively, avoiding hostile or disrespectful comments, and, as far as possible, within the stipulated deadline.

- Maintain the confidentiality of any information provided by the editor or author.

- Do not use the information obtained in the review process for the benefit of yourself or any other person or organization. Do not use it either to disadvantage or discredit other people.

- Alert the editor to any content already published or submitted that is substantially similar to what is under their review.

Note: the journal uses CopySpider and Turnitin softwares to detect plagiarism.

Procedures in case of unethical conduct:

- Complaints received by the journal will be evaluated and responded to by the Editor-in-Chief and the Editorial Board. These members are responsible for the proper investigation of problems that arise.

- Evidence of misconduct must be gathered, preventing any allegation from spreading beyond those who really need to know about the investigations while they are ongoing.

- Minor issues solved without the need for more extensive consultations. In any event, the author or reviewer must have an opportunity to respond to any accusation.

- The Editorial Board is responsible for investigating the convenience of complaints against the Editor-in-Chief.

- Possible results of the investigation of complaints (in order of severity, which may be separately or jointly):

Inform or educate the author or reviewer where there is a lack of understanding or non-application of acceptable standards of behavior:

- Send a letter warning of misconduct as a warning for future behavior.

- Post a formal notice detailing misconduct.

- Send formal letter to department director or funder or author or reviewer.

- Publish the formal retraction of the article already published.

- Report the event to a professional organization of the rank or highest authority for further investigation and action.