Posicionalidade, Suplementos e Ditos

Uma análise com Heidegger, Derrida e Levinas


  • Bianca de Oliveira Corrêa




Dito, Suplemento, Posicionalidade, Gestell, ontologia


One of the most important concepts in Heidegger’s Philosophy is Gestell, being one of its possible translations: positionality. To talk about Gestell, for Heidegger, is to talk about the nihilistic course of western metaphysics in pursuit of the unveiling of the being. However, the author affirms that “the overcoming of all distance does not engender any closeness”, in a way that the search for truth of the being, ontology’s work, extracting the intelligible in service of technique, does not bring closeness, but rather distance from the truth. The text seeks to interpret the concept of positionality in Heidegger whilst present in the unfolding of ontology, which not only requisites That-being to present itself but is itself subject to the orderability of the Gestell. Moreover, the text resorts to the notion of “writing”, which for Derrida, is thought in terms of supplement, a symbol of what is not present, always forwarding unto other symbols when seeking for true meaning. Here, as well, it seems essence is not something presentable trough a symbol. Finally, Levinas’ concept of The Saidis used to demonstrate what is lacking, that is, The Saying, which is previous to any linguistic system and any other sign and is subjected to The Saidas a consequence of the human need for intelligibility. Thus, it is sought to relate writing as a supplement for Derrida and The Saidof Levinas as manifestations of the Gestell.


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How to Cite

DE OLIVEIRA CORRÊA, Bianca. Posicionalidade, Suplementos e Ditos: Uma análise com Heidegger, Derrida e Levinas. Das Questões, [S. l.], v. 9, n. 1, p. 183–191, 2020. DOI: 10.26512/dasquestoes.v9i1.31910. Disponível em: https://periodicos.unb.br/index.php/dasquestoes/article/view/31910. Acesso em: 21 nov. 2024.