A perspectiva negra na Ficção Científica

o caso de "Clap Back", de Nalo Hopkinson





Ficção Científica, tecnopoética negra, distopia negra, racismo


The article offers an analysis of “Clap Back” (2021), by writer Nalo Hopkinson, part of the collection Black Stars (Amazon Original Stories). To this end, Science Fiction (SF) is delimited in the contexts of the English language and black authorship, approaching some of its specificities. The results demonstrate how the writer articulates scientific-fictional elements with themes of the black cause, in a dystopian, futuristic environment. This fusion, it is concluded, problematizes racism and at the same time highlights black protagonism and ancestry.



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How to Cite

Braga, C. (2023). A perspectiva negra na Ficção Científica: o caso de "Clap Back", de Nalo Hopkinson. Revista Cerrados, 32(61), 51–70. https://doi.org/10.26512/cerrados.v32i61.45875



Dossier - African and Afrodiasporic Literatures: Emancipatory Writings