Between the price of writing and the gains taken from the act ”” how to read Mayakovsky?


  • Paulo Sérgio de Souza Júnior


Maiakóvski. Suicide. Russia. Revolution.


Maiakóvski writes several times about facts related to war, and among those facts his suicide is so many times staged along his poems. We believe it is possible to discuss on the role of suicide in this author’s work and, regarding to the notion of testimony in literature, on the nature itself of the literary writing concerning testimonial tenor. One point that has came upon, however, respects to the very image that the Soviet government built from the author, which is powerful even nowadays ”“ this point is considered to be questionable from our analysis, and it is brought out by this paper.


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How to Cite

Souza Júnior, P. S. de. (2012). Between the price of writing and the gains taken from the act ”” how to read Mayakovsky?. Revista Cerrados, 21(33). Retrieved from