“Hálito daquela fera que era o mundo, o som do mar”. A trip around the world in a short-story by Sciascia


  • Hermenegildo Bastos Universidade de Brasília


Leonardo Sciascia. Fiction and point of view. Literary representation.


In this essay we explore the ambiguities of point of view produced by Sciascia to represent an opaque world where the characters appear in block, without names and faces, as mere playthings manipulated by an omniscient narrator. The darkness of the beach by night and the impossibility of distinguishing the real of the fiction are resources of the writer to represent the history of Italy and of the capitalist world-system.


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Author Biography

Hermenegildo Bastos, Universidade de Brasília

Professor titular de literatura brasileira na UnB, Brasília-DF


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JAMESON, Fredric. The Valences of Dialectic. London: Verso, 2009.
SCIASCIA, Leonardo. “A longa viagem”. In: ______. O mar cor de vinho. Apresentação e tradução de Silvia La Regina. São Paulo: Berlendis & Vertecchia Editores, 2001.
SCIASCIA, Leonardo. “Il lungo viaggio”. In: SCIASCIA, Leonardo. Il mare colore del vino. Seconda edizione. Milano: Adelphi Edizione S.P.A., 1998.



How to Cite

Bastos, H. (2012). “Hálito daquela fera que era o mundo, o som do mar”. A trip around the world in a short-story by Sciascia. Revista Cerrados, 21(34). Retrieved from https://periodicos.unb.br/index.php/cerrados/article/view/25773

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