Por uma hermenêutica do abismo : traçados congênitos em Osman Lins e Padre Vieira
Literary hermeneutics. Osman Lins. Father Antonio Vieira. Truth. Nonobjectivity.Abstract
The present essay aims at establishing a hermeneutic dialogue between Osman Lins’s short story Retábulo de Santa Joana Carolina and Father Antonio Vieira’s two sermons, Sermão da Exaltação da Santa Cruz and das Cadeias de São Pedro, and thereby examining the phenomenon of the distance between the author and the reader with regard to the privilege of truth in a literary text. In an attempt to investigate the forms of tension inherent in the literary discourses of both authors, we leave behind the idea of an objective truth and choose to open the way for a vertiginous exegesis of the soul facing nothingness, in a purely existential, nonconceptual, impenetrable, and mind challenging immersion.
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