Guimarães Rosa: journey and nomad spaces between identity and alterity


  • Maria Rosa Duarte de Oliveira PUCSP


Guimarães Rosa; journey; nnomadism; vocality; writing.


The present work aims at a reflection on the literature of journey gender, seen under the aspect of nomadism as a cognitive operator of Guimarães Rosa’s poetic-scientific method in O Recado doMorro, one of Corpo de Baile (1956) narratives. Different plans of journey can be seen: one of them is performed by the author as he crosses the interior of Minas, especially Garça Hill and Maquiné Cave; another one is the fictional expedition, and the message from the Hill itself, magic formula epitomized, in its space-time mouvance


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Author Biography

Maria Rosa Duarte de Oliveira, PUCSP

Maria Rosa Duarte de Oliveira
Atualmente, é professora titular da
Pontifícia Universidade Católica de
São Paulo, onde ministra a disciplina
de Teoria Literária no Curso de Pós-
Graduação em Literatura e Crítica



How to Cite

de Oliveira, M. R. D. (2019). Guimarães Rosa: journey and nomad spaces between identity and alterity. Revista Cerrados, 28(49), 58–72. Retrieved from