Edifying jurisdictional applications
Jurisdiction, legal pluralism, paradox.Abstract
The present work aims to approach the development of legal pluralism in Colombia, since the enactment of the Constitution of 1991, through the study of two cases which illustrate the transformations in the inter-jurisdictional relationship between judges belonging to different judicial bodies, administrative authorities, and indigenous peoples. Because of the multicultural nature of the State, the jurisprudential analysis of the acknowledgement of indigenous authorities, as well as their procedures and norms, is paramount. This analysis provides the means to recognize the effectiveness of the policies of recognition of rights, as well as the tensions that they have raised in the course of time. Thus, without denying the objective and unconstitutional hardships resulting from material inequalities suffered by indigenous peoples, the attained resolutions to cultural and normative conflicts presented in this work are indisputable proof of a paradox.
Key Words: Jurisdiction, legal pluralism, paradox.
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