territory, memory and history in the Apyka'i tekoha
Summary: Among the modulations of the tekoha concept, they polarized what they understand as the projection of a native category of organization of the space and life of the Guaraní communities; and on the other, those who accuse an a-historicity of that understanding, which would not contemplate the claiming dimension of the demarcation of indigenous territories before the National State. In this article, I review the terms of this debate to reclassify the tekoha as "territories-memory" from the characterization of a Kaiowá and Guaraní resumed camp in Mato Grosso do Sul - the Apyka'i tekoha, headed by Doña Damiana. Before an ethnography of that camp, the concept of "territories-memory" appears with the power to overcome this apparent dichotomy, and advance in the translation of those contradictions in which the life of a people is inscribed. I hope that, in the end, I may have experienced in part the fine exercise of historical criticism that allows the Kaiowá and Guaraní to modulate the conceptions of their territoriality between different registers, in an absolute indifference to the constraint of anthropological theory.
Keywords: memory, territoriality, rights, guaraní, anthropological theory
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