Forms of presence of the physical and virtual body in the theater from the analysis of the play Futureland by Lola Arias




Lola Arias, Performative witnessing, Virtual body, Physical body, Automatation


This article proposes a study on the forms of presence that emerge from Futureland, one of the latest creations of the Argentine artist Lola Arias. It addresses the corporeality of performative testimony, the risk to automation of the physical body versus the repetition and the relation to video game aesthetics. We believe that certain rigidity or control of the body and the voices projected on stage show a robotic aspect of presence. In this regard, we ask ourselves: which interpretations are enabled by this particular form of exhibition of these young persons? What possibilities for the future emerge from the present of the play?


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Author Biography

Denise Cobello, Universidad de Buenos Aires - UBA, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Magister en Estudios Teatrales por la Universidad Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris 3, realiza acualmente el Doctorado en Artes en la Universidad Nacional de las Artes de Argentina con beca CONICET radicada en el IIGG, FSOC de la Universidad de Buenos Aires.


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How to Cite

Cobello, D. (2021). Forms of presence of the physical and virtual body in the theater from the analysis of the play Futureland by Lola Arias. Voz E Cena (Voice and Scene), 2(02), 59–73.



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