
  • Nathan Carvalho Pinheiro Faculdade UnB de Planaltina (FUP), Universidade de Brasília (UnB)



Rural Education. interculturality. electromagnetism. optics. traditional knowledge.


In this work we carried out a content analysis of the recordings of ten Physics classes with an intercultural approach that took place in a Teacher Training in Rural Education. The classes covered topics of optics, acoustics and electromagnetism and counted with guests in order to establish links between knowledge of Physics and local knowledge of rural communities. Based on intercultural approach in Science Teaching literature, the analysis categorized the classes into six dimensions of analysis: the subareas of Physics they addressed, the local knowledge with which they established links, the way they established the links, the relationship of local knowledge with the community, the scope of the links and the references on which they were based. As a result, we present a diversity of ways in which Physics teachers can seek to build bridges between scientific knowledge and rural local knowledge, with examples in some sub-areas of Physics.


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How to Cite

CARVALHO PINHEIRO, Nathan. ANALYSIS OF INTERCULTURAL DIALOGUES BETWEEN PHYSICS AND LOCAL KNOWLEDGE IN RURAL EDUCATION CLASSES. Journal of the Physics Teacher, [S. l.], v. 6, n. Especial, p. 261–268, 2022. DOI: 10.26512/rpf.v1i1.45961. Disponível em: Acesso em: 6 oct. 2024.



Anals of the Integrated Meeting in Physics Teaching