
  • Thais Teixeira da Costa Portes Brusdzenski Colégio Municipal Renato Martins
  • Valéria Nunes Belmonte Instituto Politécnico - Centro Multidisciplinar UFRJ-Macaé
  • Bernardo Mattos Tavares Instituto Politécnico - Centro Multidisciplinar UFRJ-Macaé




Physics for kids. Flipped Classroom. Early years.


In this work, videos were produced and the Flipped Classroom Active Learning Methodology (FCM) was implemented, with topics related to Atmosphere, Orientation during the day - Sundial and Orientation at night - Use of the Compass, in two 4th grade classes of the Elementary School Renato Martins, in the city of Macaé (RJ). The objective was to promote and stimulate the meaningfull learning of the aforementioned themes from videos available on the “Pra Reforçar” YouTube Channel, created for this purpose, and from the didactic sequences proposed through FCM, based on Jean Piaget's learning theory, verifying their pedagogical potential. FCM proposes a light and interesting way to approach these contents, minimizing the time spent in relation to a conventional class, since what was traditionally taught in the classroom will now be studied at home, allowing the student more time to solve conceptual doubts, that may arise. The videos were designed to last from 5 to 8 minutes, and by studying the contents in advance, through them, the classroom time would be better used with practical activities and personalized service to students, expanding their protagonmism. Through this work, it was found that the pedagogical use of digital technologies was a facilitator of the teaching process. Thus, it was concluded that the application of FCM, from the videos, combined with practical activities in the classroom, contributed positively to the effective learning of Physics in the Initial Years, as demonstrated by the results of the final questionnaires applied.


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How to Cite

DA COSTA PORTES BRUSDZENSKI, Thais Teixeira; NUNES BELMONTE, Valéria; MATTOS TAVARES, Bernardo. FLIPPED CLASSROOM IN PHYSICS TEACHING FOR THE EARLY YEARS OF FUNDAMENTAL EDUCATION. Journal of the Physics Teacher, [S. l.], v. 6, n. Especial, p. 88–97, 2022. DOI: 10.26512/rpf.v1i1.45935. Disponível em: https://periodicos.unb.br/index.php/rpf/article/view/45935. Acesso em: 21 nov. 2024.



Anals of the Integrated Meeting in Physics Teaching