The “pejotização” of health in the northern macro-region of Paraná and its implications with COVID-19
Outsourcing. Human Resources in Health. Coronavirus. Health Work Management.Abstract
The term “pejotização” refers to the contracting of services from individuals, constituted by a legal entity, especially for this purpose. This article aims to analyze the “pejotization” of human resources in the health area in the northern macro-region of Paraná, and to point out possible implications caused by the pandemic of COVID-19, due to the greater fragility of the working relationships of professionals linked to health services through this modality. This is a critical analysis of secondary data carried out between April and May 2020, obtained from SCNES. In the surveyed region, the number of professionals admitted in the form of “pejotização” showed a proportionally greater increase than in other modalities with an employment relationship. The results point to fraud in the public administration and losses to workers, especially in a pandemic period. Among them, there is a reduction in income due to the lack of payment for days not worked due to absence and the insecurity provided to families in cases of illness and death. In this perspective, the need to consider the limits of the legislation for responding to this challenge is defended, as well as clear parameters regarding the hiring of health professionals for the core activities.
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