Between two artistic universes: from novel romance to audiovisual adaptation



  • Maria Luiza Atik a:1:{s:5:"pt_BR";s:42:"Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie (UPM)";}




The interartistic correspondence of two or more media systems is recurrent in works produced in contemporary times. The transposition of the novel The seamstress (2009), by Frances Peebles to the film format, directed by Breno Silveira, has been the focus of divergent criticisms. The present work proposes to examine aspects of the narrative construction of the audiovisual Between Sisters (Entre Irmãs) (2017), and to what extent this narrative can be considered an audiovisual aesthetic artifact.  Therefore, as a theoretical basis, we resort mainly to the concepts  developed by R. Stam, G. Betton and I. Rajewsky, about the transposition of a sign system to some other media.


Key words: literature; movie theater;  intermedia transposition; intertextual relations.



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JOHNSON, Randal. Literatura e cinema. Macunaíma: do Modernismo na literatura ao Cinema Novo. São Paulo: T. A. Queiroz, 1982.

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PELLEGRINI, Tânia. Narrativa verbal e narrativa visual: possíveis aproximações. In: PELLEGRINI, Tânia et al. Literatura, cinema e televisão. São Paulo: Senac/Instituto Itaú Cultural, 2003.

RAJEWSKY, I. Intermidialidade, intertextualidade e “remediação” ”“ uma perspectiva literária sobre a Intermidialidade. In: DINIZ, Thaïs Flores Nogueira (org.). Intermidialidade e estudos interartes ”“ desafios da arte contemporânea. Belo Horizonte: UFMG, 2012. p. 15-45.

STAM, Robert. A literatura através do cinema. Realismo, magia e a arte da adaptação. Belo Horizonte: Editora da UFMG, 2008.



How to Cite

Atik, M. L. (2020). Between two artistic universes: from novel romance to audiovisual adaptation: DO ROMANCE À ADAPTAÇÃO AUDIOVISUAL. Revista VIS: Revista Do Programa De Pós-Graduação Em Artes Visuais, 19(2), 115–125.