Tornando-se a/r/tográfico coletivamente

construindo sentido com os jovens



Mots-clés :

Pedagogia pública. A/r/tografia. Arte colaborativa.


Em uma época cada vez mais padronizada, as vozes e as agências dos jovens são frequentemente assentadas em espaços confinados do currículo. As artes oferecem um rico playground para explorar o mundo que os jovens e os adultos navegam. Neste artigo, apresentamos a pequena estética dos jovens à medida que coletivamente se tornam a/r/tógrafos: transformando a educação geral. Avançando a noção de pequenos públicos de Hickey-Moody’s (2016), posicionamos
os produtos a/r/tograficos de jovens como exemplos de pouca estética e como formas de promulgar pedagogias de resistência e recusa. O trabalho ilustrado neste artigo repensa a escolaridade australiana nas identidades locais e internacionais através de uma lente a/r/tográfica pública.


Les données relatives au téléchargement ne sont pas encore disponibles.


BIESTA, G. Making pedagogy public: for the public, of the public, or in the interest of publisness? In BURDICK, J.J.; SANDLIN, A.; O’MALLEY, M. P. (Eds.), Problematizing public pedagogy. Editor? p. 15-25, 2014.

BRYANT, L. R. The democracy of objects. City? :Open Humanities Press, 2011.

COOPER, J.; RYAN, M. Little Learning in Big Worlds. Learning Communities: International Journal of Learning in Social Contexts [Special Issue: New Connections in Education Research]. In print, 2016a. doi:

COOPER, J.; RYAN, M. Windows ad frames on young people’s artwork In MITCHELL, D.; SNEPVANGERS, K. (Eds.). Beyond community engagement: Transforming dialogues in art, education and the cultural sphere (publication forthcoming): Common

Ground, 2016b.

GOUZOUASIS, P.; IRWIN, R. L.; MILES, E.; GORDON, A. Commitments to a community of artistic inquiry: Becoming pedagogical through a/r/tography in teacher education. International Journal of Education & the Arts. vol. 14, n. 1, 2013.

HARRIS, A. The creative turn: Toward a new aesthetic imaginary. City? Springer Science & Business, vol. 6, 2014.

HICKEY-MOODY, A. Youth agency and adult influence: A critical revision of little publics. Review of Education, Pedagogy, and Cultural Studies. vol. 38, n.1, p. 58-72, 2016.

HICKEY-MOODY, A.; PAGE, T. Arts, pedagogy and cultural resistance : new materialisms. City?: Rowman & Littlefield, 2016.

IRWIN, R. L.; BEER, R.; SPRINGGAY, S.; GRAUER, K.; XIONG, G.; BICKEL, B. The rhizomatic relations of a/r/tography. Studies in Art Education. p. 70-88, 2006.

IRWIN, R. L.; O’DONOGHUE, D. Encountering pedagogy through relational art practices. International Journal of Art & Design Education. vol. 31, n.3, p. 221-236, 2012.

IRWIN, R. L.; SPRINGGAY, S. A/r/tography as practice-based research. In SPRINGGAY, S.; IRWIN, R. L.; LEGGO, C.; GOUZOUASIS, P. (Eds.), Being with A/r/tography. Sense Publishers, 2008.

KNIGHT, L. M. Small acts of resistance: The role of intergenerational collaborative drawing in early childhood teaching and learning Young Children, Pedagogy and the Arts: Ways of Seeing. City?: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, p. 21-33, 2013.

MCINERNEY, P.; SMYTH, J.; & DOWN, B. ‘Coming to a place near you?’ The politics and possibilities of a critical pedagogy of place-based education. Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education. vol. 39, n. 1, p. 3 - 16, 2011.

SAVAGE, G. Chasing the Phantoms of Public Pedagogy. In J. Burdick, J. A. Sandlin, & M. P. O’Malley (Eds.), Problematizing public pedagogy. City?: Routledge, 2014.

SMITH, A. G.; HIELSCHER, S.; DICKEL, S.; SODERBERG, J.; van OOST, E. Grassroots digital fabrication and makerspaces: Reconfiguring, relocating and recalibrating innovation? , 2013.

SPRINGGAY, S. Working with children as pedagogies of refusal. Breach Magazine, 3, 2015. Retrieved from

SPRINGGAY, S.; IRWIN, R. L.; KIND, S. W. A/r/tography as living inquiry through art and text. Qualitative Inquiry, vol. 11, n. 6, p. 897-912, 2005.

TARTAKOVER, S., RYAN; M., ALISHEK, A. Words and Pictures. Footscray: College of Education, Victoria University, 2015.




Comment citer

Cooper, J., & Ryan, M. (2017). Tornando-se a/r/tográfico coletivamente: construindo sentido com os jovens. Revista VIS: Revista Do Programa De Pós-Graduação Em Artes Visuais, 16(2), 235–257.



III. Experiências em visualidades