“The world that reveals that it is a world”

On The Art of Mono-ha and New Materialism


  • Ionit Behar University of Chicago at Illinois



Palabras clave:

Arte. Neo Materialismo. Mono-ha. Arte japonesa. Matéria.


O presente artigo discute a relação entre arte, percepção e engajamento, como material da arte do Mono-ha por meio do uso do cru, materiais em estado bruto e materias industriais, em suas esculturas. A natureza das relacoes humanas em Mono-ha é reconsiderada, por meio da aproximação com o Neo Materialismo.


Los datos de descargas todavía no están disponibles.


DOLPHIJN, Rick - VAN DER TUIN, Iris interview Karen Barad, “Matter feels, converses, suffers, desires, yearns and remembers” in New Materialism: Interviews & Cartographies (June 6, 2009) http://quod.lib.umich.edu/o/ohp/11515701.0001.001/1:4.3/--newmaterialism-interviews-cartographies?rgn=div2;view=fulltext#note_1

FOX, Howard N. ”“ HARA, Toshio, A Primal Spirit: Ten Contemporary Japanese Sculptors, exh cat., exhibition organized by the Hara Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo, and Los Angeles County Museum of Art (New York: Harry N. Abrams, 1990). FRIED, Michael, “Art and Objecthood” in Gregory Battcock, ed., Minimal Art: A Critical Anthology (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1995),


KOPLOS, Janet, “Mono-ha and the Power of Materials,’ New Art Examiner (19-30 June 1988).

_____________, Contemporary Japanese Sculpture (New York: Abbeville Press, 1991).

LATOUR, Bruno, Politics of Nature: How to Bring The Sciences Into Democracy (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2004)

______________, “Can We Get Our Materialism Back, Please?” in Isis (2007, 98), 138-142

MUNROE, Alexandra, Japanese Art After 1945: Scream Against the Sky, exh. cat. (New York: Harry N. Abrams, Inc. 1994).

NOI, Sawaragi, “Mono-ha and Mono no Aware” (Mono-ha to mono no aware) in Japanese Contemporary Art (Shincho-sha: Tokyo), 141-171.

UFAN, Lee “Sekai to kozo: Taisho no gakai (gendai bijutsu ronko)” (World and structure: Collapse of the object [Thoughts on Contemporary

Art]), Dezain hihyo/Design review, no.9 (June 1969).

YOSHIHARA, JirÅ (Translated by Reiko Tomii). Originally published as “Gutai bijutsu sengen,” Geijutsu ShinchÅ 7, no. 12 (December 1956), pp. 202”“04.

YOSHITAKE, Mika ”“ MARK, Lisa Gabrielle ”“ HYUN, Jane eds. Requiem for The Sun: The Art of Mono-ha. (Los Angeles: Blum & Poe, 2012)




Cómo citar

Behar, I. (2017). “The world that reveals that it is a world”: On The Art of Mono-ha and New Materialism. Revista VIS: Revista Do Programa De Pós-Graduação Em Artes Visuais, 16(1), 66–80. https://doi.org/10.26512/vis.v16i1.20461



Dossiê - A arte não ocidental no contexto múltiplo e transdisciplinar da contemp