Brazilian Burnout Scale (BBS): Internal Structure and Acquiescence Control




Burnout, Psychological Assessment, Occupational Health, Response Styles


When used for clinical purposes, self-report scales can be susceptible to the influence of response biases. Acquiescent responding can create artifactual additional factors in self-report assessments of clinical symptoms in factor analysis studies, then biasing the resulting scores. Most of these instruments do not offer the appropriate resources for the control of response biases. Thecurrent study was to investigate the internal structure of the Brazilian Burnout Scale (BBS) while also controlling for acquiescence. Participants were 854 workers. After controlling for acquiescence, the best fitting model was a bifactor model containing two substantive factors (Emotional Exhaustion and Frustration, and Depersonalization/Distancing) plus a response bias factor. The BBS can be useful for the research on and the screening of burnout symptoms.


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How to Cite

Ferrari Cardoso, H., Valentini, F., Hauck-Filho, N., & Nunes Baptista, M. (2022). Brazilian Burnout Scale (BBS): Internal Structure and Acquiescence Control. Psicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa, 38.



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