Film Analysis in the Context of Forced Displacement in a Community: Links between Psychology and Culture




Internal migration, Amazon, Audiovisual aids, Human ecology


Forced displacements in the Amazon region are a migratory pattern that involves studies of various disciplines. The objective of this paper was to identify the experiences of the families in the context of a forced displacement registered in the documentary “Pinheirópolis, vida, festa, futuro...”, directed by José Iramar in 2000, based on Theory of Bioecological Model. After decoupling the scenes and the transcriptions of the narratives, the analysing categories were identified: (a) formation of the village, (b) economic activities; (c) response / feelings towards the displacement; (d) the last festivity and anticipatory mourning. The filmic method enables us to obtain information from the pre-relocation, suggesting the use of this tool in evaluative research about the communities impacted by dams.

Keywords: Forced displacements, Amazon region, filmic analysis, PPCT.


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How to Cite

Carvalho e Silva, J., & Sursis Nobre Ferro Bucher-Maluschke, J. (2020). Film Analysis in the Context of Forced Displacement in a Community: Links between Psychology and Culture. Psicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa, 36(Especial).



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