Narrative Comprehension: Concept Analysis and a Methodological Proposal
Conceptual analysis, Comprehension, NarrativeAbstract
Conceptual analysis is a methodological axis of scientific research. Although a concept often undergoes changes as part of a theory, analysis of its original logical functioning is a precondition for understanding those changes and evaluating their usefulness. We analyzed the logical functioning of the concept of comprehension, based on techniques of Ordinary Language Philosophy. We present as central logical characteristics of the concept: (1) to understand/comprehend is an accomplishment verb (2) there can be different degrees of accomplishment (3) it is a polymorphous concept and (4) it is a dispositional concept. We discuss methodological and theoretical implications of this analysis and illustrate them with a proposal for evaluating narrative comprehension.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Eileen Pfeiffer Flores, Bianca da Nóbrega Rogoski, Anny Caroline Gomes Nolasco

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