Teacher Training for Prevention and Management of School Bullying Situations: A Systematic Literature Review





Bullying, Teacher training, Teacher capacity, Building, Systematic review


This article presents a systematic review of empirical studies on teacher training in school bullying through goal analysis, research design, participants, dependent and independent variables, taught content and skills, training results, and research limitations. Ten databases were consulted, with 12 articles being selected. Although the studies involve teachers as participants, teacher training in bullying has not yet been the subject of study itself, as only four of the analyzed studies evaluated the effect of training in relation to the teacher. The lack of a detailed description of training contents, study procedures and lack of baseline and follow-up were important limitations. Possibilities for future research are discussed.


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How to Cite

Panosso, M. G., Kienen, N., & Brino, R. de F. (2023). Teacher Training for Prevention and Management of School Bullying Situations: A Systematic Literature Review. Psicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa, 39. https://doi.org/10.1590/0102.3772e39310.pt



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