Family Routines for Children with Special Needs in Adoptive Families


  • Fabíola Helena Oliveira Brandão Silva Universidade Federal do Pará
  • Lilia Iêda Chaves Cavalcante Universidade Federal do Pará


Child with special needs, Family routines, Adoption


This study aimed to describe the daily routines of three families who adopted children with special needs and
had prior knowledge of this condition. We used the Multiple Case Study method. Data were obtained through Semi-structured
Interview (SI), Inventory Routine (IR) and Field Diary (FD). Among the family groups the following common activities were
identified: food/hygiene activities, rest and recreation, involving the participation of parents, sisters and nannies, usually in
the home of the family. We observed significant differences in activity patterns, companionships and environments where the
daily routines took place. We conclude that changes in routines are related to the particularities of each child, the structure and
socioeconomic status of each participating family.


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How to Cite

Silva, F. H. O. B., & Cavalcante, L. I. C. (2015). Family Routines for Children with Special Needs in Adoptive Families. Psicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa, 31(2), 173–180. Retrieved from

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