Organizational Climate:

Confirmatory Factor Analysis of Competing Measurement Models


  • Daniel Ioshiteru Kinpara Universidade de Brasília
  • Jacob Arie Laros Universidade de São Paulo


Organizational climate, Competing measurement models, Confirmatory factor analysis


This study investigated which measurement model for the Scale of Organizational Climate (SOC) provided the best fit to the data. Four competing measurement models were compared: 1) the seven factor model of Laros and Puente-Palacios; 2) a five factor model derived from the previous one; 3) a six factor model based on Lewin’s field theory; and 4) a three factor model based on McClelland’s motivation theory. The data of 9,901 persons who responded the SOC were used. Confirmatory factor analysis indicated the three factor model as the best model. All four models showed acceptable fit to the data. We advise to base the choice between the four competing models on the intended use of the scale.


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How to Cite

Kinpara, D. I., & Laros, J. A. (2014). Organizational Climate:: Confirmatory Factor Analysis of Competing Measurement Models. Psicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa, 30(1), 111–120. Retrieved from

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