Firstborn’s Regression and Growth in the Process of Becoming a Sibling


  • Débora Silva Oliveira Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
  • Rita de Cássia Sobreira Lopes Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul


Regression indicators, Growth indicators, Fables test, Firstborn, Sibling's arrival


Regression and growth indicators in the process of becoming a sibling were investigated. Three firstborns took part in the study during the first sibling’s third trimester of pregnancy, and when the sibling was 12 and 24 months old, respectively. The Fables Test was used and a qualitative content analysis was carried out. Results revealed regression indicators during pregnancy. At 12 and 24 months there were growth indicators together with regression indicators. Regression was used by the firstborn for coping with the sibling’s arrival while growth revealed the capacity for acquisitions or the costs of being an older sibling. Both regressive and growth manifestations enabled a healthy to and fro, which is fundamental for development towards independence. These findings have both research and clinical implications.


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How to Cite

Oliveira, D. S., & Lopes, R. de C. S. (2013). Firstborn’s Regression and Growth in the Process of Becoming a Sibling. Psicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa, 29(1), 107–116. Retrieved from

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