Relations between Affectivity and Intelligence in Psychological Development


  • Maria Thereza Costa Coelho de Souza Universidade de São Paulo


Affectivity, Intelligence, Psychological development


This text presents some considerations about the relations between affectivity and intelligence in psychological development, based on four theoretical models: the psychogenetic approaches of Piaget, Wallon, Vygotsky and some concepts from Freud’s psychoanalysis theory. The main objective is to point out the emphasis of each approach regarding to affective and cognitive aspects and also their role in psychological development. What can be concluded is that the theoretical models, interested in knowledge construction or in psychic constitution, present different relations between affectivity and intelligence. Some of these propose relations of alternation (Wallon), relations based on one supplementing the other (Vygotsky) or on a correspondence between them (Piaget), while another focuses on pulsional aspects that interfere on affective and intellectual psychological functioning.



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How to Cite

Coelho de Souza, M. T. C. (2011). Relations between Affectivity and Intelligence in Psychological Development. Psicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa, 27(2), 249–254. Retrieved from



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