Computer Mediated Interaction and Some Results of Psychological Investigations


  • Maria Lúcia Seidl de Moura Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro


Computer mediated communication, Social interaction


The study discusses the communication mediated by the computer and the impact its widely spread use has
made into the modalities of interaction, the forms of communication and into the organization of thought processes. Some
tendencies of the literature in the area are analyzed. The conclusions of investigations of the contextual conditions which
facilitate the creation of spaces for cognitive change in educational projects which include the computer as a tool and the
specific nature of language in CMC are presented. New possibilities of investigation, based on the socio-interactionist approach
are suggested.


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How to Cite

Seidl de Moura, M. L. (2012). Computer Mediated Interaction and Some Results of Psychological Investigations. Psicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa, 14(1), 069–075. Retrieved from

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