
  • Maria Alice D'Amorim Universidade Gama Filho


Breast self exam, Body image, Rationality-emotionality


In a study about Breast Self Examination (BSE) based on
the Theory of Planned Action (Ajzen, 1985, 1988), seventy women aged
between 20 and 60 years answered a questionnaire about BSE and two
scales, one on body image and the other measuring their degree of
emotionality x rationality. Women who had jobs and a higher levei of
education presented a more favorable body image. No significam relationships
were found between the three measures. Questionnaire results
confirmed the data obtained on two previous studies on the subject using
the same model. The influence of normative beliefs and the subjective
norm, on behavioral intention, was present in ali three studies: their results
are compaired and discussed.


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How to Cite

Alice D’Amorim, M. (2013). INFLUENCE OF PERSONALITY VARIABLES ON INTENTION OF PERFORMING BREAST SELF EXAMINATION. Psicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa, 9(2), 315–328. Retrieved from

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