
  • Lígia Ebner Melchiori Universidade Júlio de Mesquita Filho - Bauru
  • Deisy das Graças de Souza Universidade de Brasília
  • Silvio Paulo Botomé Universidade Federal de São Carlos


Mental retardation, Institutional planning, Population's needs, Goals of intervention, Metacontingencies


The purpose ot mis study was to propose some directions
and criteria for professional inten-entions related to mental retardation in a
small county, based on a behavioral analysis. The notion of a three-term
contingency was used in order to: 1) analyse data about the community
and their problems considered as the fundamental components of the
environment which should exert stimulus control on the behavior of
professionals and agencies; 2) specify the relevant changes that could be
conceived as solutions for the problems detected (the expected
consequences of interventions); 3) propose classes of actions
(interventions) which seemed appropiate for promoting the expected
changes in the problems initially described. Data about life conditions in
the county (obtained in a previous descriptive study) provided the cues for
a better characterization of the problem and pointed out some desirable
directions for change: better life conditions for the families, more
education, better jobs, more access to information, services and leisure.
Based on these directions, several classes of actions were proposed,
which should be implemented by multiple public agencies, some
educational (for example, professional training not only for the mentally
retarded, but also for other members of their families and the community
as a whole), some medicai and even social. On the other hand, multiple
agencies' actions should be integrated at a higher organizational levei and
that could be the main responsability of the City Hall, as a mean of
assuring all the other leveis. For example, the governmental actions would
require a data based system and its administration in order to keep update
information on the population needs and the ongoing interventions as well.
The concept of metacontingencies (Glen, 1987) would help in the
understanding of general goals, including among other things, the
reduction of the incidence of mental retardation in the county.


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How to Cite

Melchiori, L. E., de Souza, D. das G., & Botomé, S. P. (2012). POPULATION’S NEEDS AS A CONDITION FOR PROFESSIONAL INTERVENTION:: AN ANALYSIS IN RELATION TO MENTAL RETARDATION. Psicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa, 7(1), 25–46. Retrieved from https://periodicos.unb.br/index.php/revistaptp/article/view/17105