Matching-to-sample, Subset formation, Verbal reasoning, First-grade childrenAbstract
Four children were submitted to the double stimulation
method in order to see if their performance show ed the features
described by Vigotsky (1986). Logic blocks, divided into four subsets with
a different "name", were used. Trials began with the presentation of a
model and the subject was asked to chose 11 from the 47 remaining
blocks that "he/she supposed to have the same name as the model". It
were used points as feedback for correct responses and the data were
individually analysed. Three of the four subjects, after a number of trials at
chance level suddenly arrived to the perfect performance. In the trials
before solution it was observed preference for a value of one stimulus
property, followed by a gradual increase in the number of identical
properties between the chosen blocks and the model. The correct
responses' slope had the all or none feature, caractheristic of human
learning performance in tasks were the behavioral control necessarily
depends on the subject's own verbalization.
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