
  • Luiz Pasquali Universidade de Brasília
  • Maria Amélia Cardoso de Andrade Universidade de Brasília


A sample of 209 young people of Brasilia, D.F., 127 ofnormal social conduct, 57 drug addicts, and 25 juvenile delinquents,was studied in regard to parental perceptions through the fourfactors ofthe QPP. The design was factorial 2x3, where sex (male, female) andsocial conduct (normal, drug addict, delinquent) were the predictivevariables. Results showed that the emotional presence of the father inthis youth's lives is irrelevant, whereas the mother is felt as loving andcontrolling by both normal and drug addicted youth, and as rejecting bythe delinquents. Psychological and social consequences of such afamily's situation are discussed.


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How to Cite

Pasquali, L., & Cardoso de Andrade, M. A. (2012). PARENTS’ PERCEPTIONS AND CHILDREN’S SOCIAL MISCONDUCT. Psicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa, 2(3), 265–275. Retrieved from