
  • José Augusto Dela Coleta Universidade Federal de Uberlândia
  • Sônia Alves Godoy Universidade Federal de Uberlândia


Weiner and his associates have demonstrated that
persons tend to explain the results of their behavior with positive or
negative outcomes using causes that involve, among others, three
topographical dimensions: internality vs. externality, stability vs.
instability and controlability vs. incontrolability. At the same time, these studies have demonstrated that such
persons, for each specific cause used to explain the outcome in a
achievement task, tended to experience specific emotional reactions
that significantly influence the perception of the expectancies of future
behaviors and outcomes. Since 1978 a significant number of studies
have been conducted with thousands of Brazilian subjects along the
lines of the concepts developed by Weiner and his associates. These
studies dealt with the relations between causal atributions and achievement
situations, the emotional reactions in these situations, future
expectancies, and the perception of the causal dimensions. Replications
and extensions of the original studies allowed the verification of
the initial findings in another culture, the testing of new hypotheses, as
well as a better comprehension of cognitive, motivational and emotional
aspects of the Brazilian subjetcts. 


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How to Cite

Dela Coleta, J. A., & Alves Godoy, S. (2012). ATTRIBUTION OF CAUSALITY OF SUCCESS AND EMOTIONAL REACTIONS: BERNARD WEINER MODELS USED IN BRAZILIAN RESEARCH. Psicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa, 2(2), 145–156. Retrieved from

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