
  • Luiz Pasquali
  • Miriam S. Cibreiros de Souza UNB
  • Tereza Yoshico Tanizaki UNB


The study describes the elaboration of a psychometric measure of attitudes towards human sexuality. One hundred and two items were initially built in order to cover 22 dimensions of sexuality. They were answered by 1434 subjects of 25 Brazilian cities, and the answers were submitted to a factor analysis by means of the principal components. Six factors emerged: sex, something shameful, dangerous and useless; legitimacy of pre- and extra-marital relatins; sex, a conscious and free engagement; legitimacy of homosexuality; legitimacy of masturbation; pregnancy, a human headache. All factors, except one, present good reliability scores. There appear also three second order factors: Sex, a human degrading activity; sex, a human socially disallowed activity; sex, an erotic activity.


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How to Cite

Pasquali, L., S. Cibreiros de Souza, M., & Yoshico Tanizaki, T. (2012). A SCALE OF ATTITUDE TOWARD HUMAN SEXUALITY. Psicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa, 1(2), 175–194. Retrieved from https://periodicos.unb.br/index.php/revistaptp/article/view/16973


